Stewardship Bite – June 2024
Stewardship Bite 1 June 2024 One resource our Diocese offers to help your parish with your fall pledge campaigns and year-round stewardship endeavors is free, full access to The Episcopal
Over the coming weeks, the Project Resource team will be sharing information, tips and links to resources to help prepare you for stewardship season and more. We hope you find this support useful.
Stewardship Bite 1 June 2024 One resource our Diocese offers to help your parish with your fall pledge campaigns and year-round stewardship endeavors is free, full access to The Episcopal
Video & Slides of Session 1—”Reconnect”—Now Available Project Resource—The Stewardship Commission of the Diocese of New Jersey—presents session one of their summer mini-course, “Getting Ready for Fall: Reconnect, Build Your
Browse these sites for inspiration, for encouragement, for video clips, handouts, tidbits of information and more to energize your stewardship program This is the final message in the series provided
In this third session of the Diocese of New Jersey’s Summer Stewardship Workshop 2022, the Project Resource team focuses on following up with participants in your Stewardship program. Download
This is the fifth in a series of emails provided by the Project Resource Team to support your summer Stewardship planning. “Giving thanks for all that is being done to
In this second session of the Diocese of New Jersey’s Summer Stewardship Workshop 2022, the Project Resource team focuses on planning your Fall Stewardship program. Download the session slides
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“Be still and know that I am God!" (Psalm 46:10) Our world is complex and it can be overwhelming and our thoughts can sometimes be scattered. Where is God in
A chance for the Diocese to come together to discuss current issues, share fellowship, worship, and work together on challenges facing us today. Register in advance for this meeting:
A chance for clergy of the Diocese to come together to discuss current issues, share fellowship, worship, and work together on challenges facing us today. Register in advance for this
Standing Committee on Clerical Compensation Meeting Join Zoom Meeting
Bishop's Forum for Clergy is a chance for casual conversation, less structured and information-packed than the monthly Town Halls. Held the third Thursday of the month via Zoom. Register here
Topic: Deans’ Meeting Time: Every month on the Third Thursday 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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