Contemplative Prayer Group
Contemplative Prayer Group
“Be still and know that I am God!" (Psalm 46:10) Our world is complex and it can be overwhelming and our thoughts can sometimes be scattered. Where is God in
Churches Grow When Their People Grow
The diocese’s coaching, formation, and congregational development programs are changing. Watch this space for the latest, as soon as it’s available.
Developed in the Diocese of New Jersey, The Way of St. Paul grows healthy congregations through learning, experimenting, and collaboration. In the spirit of St. Paul, The Way of St. Paul builds the skills to live and love like Jesus – and help others do the same.
Effective leadership is key to congregational growth. In the Diocese of New Jersey, competent coaching is key.
Growing successfully takes knowledge, practice, prayer and reflection. Understanding the challenge is the key to overcoming it.
Fill out the simple form below and we will be in touch as soon as possible!
“Be still and know that I am God!" (Psalm 46:10) Our world is complex and it can be overwhelming and our thoughts can sometimes be scattered. Where is God in
A chance for the Diocese to come together to discuss current issues, share fellowship, worship, and work together on challenges facing us today. Register in advance for this meeting:
A chance for clergy of the Diocese to come together to discuss current issues, share fellowship, worship, and work together on challenges facing us today. Register in advance for this
Standing Committee on Clerical Compensation Meeting Join Zoom Meeting
Bishop's Forum for Clergy is a chance for casual conversation, less structured and information-packed than the monthly Town Halls. Held the third Thursday of the month via Zoom. Register here
Topic: Deans’ Meeting Time: Every month on the Third Thursday 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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