

Committees and Organizations

Below is a list of the committees within the Diocese of New Jersey, their chairs and/or conveners, and contact information. In the coming months, many of these pages will receive updated pages on this site. Please check back regularly for updated information.

Committee or Diocesan Organization Chair or Convener
Animal Welfare Committee The Rev. Christopher Cox, Dcn, Chair
Anti-Racism Commission

Canon Karen Moore, Chair

Audit Committee  
Balloting Committee The Rev. Leslie G Mazzacano, Dcn, Chair
Benefits Committee Ms. Pat Hawkins, Chair
Bishop’s Advisory Commission on Liturgy The Rt. Rev. Sally French, Chair
The Rev. Canon Valerie Balling, Co-Chair
Bishop’s Advisory Commission on Music The Rt. Rev. Sally French, Chair
 Black Clergy Caucus The Rev. Canon Andy Moore
Board of Consultation Vanessa Doman, Chair
Board of Missions The Rev. Bruce Montgomery
Board of Trustees Van Duzer Scholarship Fund Ms. Wendy V. Blackman
Cathedral Chapter The Very Rev. René John
Clergy Continuing Education and Formation Committee The Rev. Ann Kathryne Urinoski
Commission on Black Ministry Canon Annette Buchanan, Chair
Commission on Church Architecture The Rev. Bruce Montgomery
Commission on Ministry  
Commission on Ministry with Disabled Mrs. Donna Devlin, Chair
Committee for Ministry with Older Adults The Rev. Jane Brady-Close
The Rev. Sharon Sutton
Committee on Classification of Congregations The Rev. John V. Zamboni
Committee on Deceased Members The Rev. Bob Legnani
Committee on LifeLong Christian Formation Anne Delgado
Committee on Resolutions The Rev. Susanna Cates
Committee on Rules of Order Canon Paul Ambos, Esq.
Committee on the Diaconate The Rev. Lynn Johnson, Archdeacon, Chair
Committee on the Priesthood  
Committee on Validation of the Minutes Ms. Kathleen O’Hagan
Companion Diocese Committee The Very Rev. Dr. Caroline Carson
Congregational Development Committee  
Corp. for the Relief of Widows, Widowers & Children Ms. Pat Hawkins
Deacons Council The Rev. Rosemarie Broderick, Dcn.
Deputies to General Convention  
Disciplinary Board  
Diocesan Council The Rt. Rev. Sally French, ex officio
Diocesan Investment Trust The Rt. Rev. Sally French, President
Mr. Christopher McCrudden
The Ecclesiastical Vestment & Embroidery Guild Ms. Barbara Nichols
Ecumenical Commission The Rev. D. Scott Russell
Environmental Commission  
Episcopal Church Women Ms. Pamela James
Fair Share Task Force The Rev. Paul A. Van Sant, Sr.
Finance and Budget Committee Mr. Kirk Bonamici
Girls’ Friendly Society Ms. Jill Brzezynski
Global Goals Task Force The Very Rev. Caroline Carson
Hispanic Commission The Rev. Canon Pedro S. Guzman
Immigration Task Force  
Intake Officer The Rev. Canon Karin R. Mitchell
Investment Advisory Committee Ms. Kathy Lowry
Jane O. P. Turner Fund The Rev. Dr. Virginia M. Sheay
LGBTQ Commission The Rev. D. Scott Russell
Loan and Grant Committee Mr. Paul Wolfgang
Migrant Ministry The Rev. Canon Pedro S. Guzman
New Jersey Ministry to the Imprisoned  
Nominating Committee The Rev. Dr. Chip Graves
Pastoral MASH Committee (Mental & Spiritual Health) The Rev. Gregory M. Wilson, LCSW, co-chair
Rosalie DiSimone-Weiss, PhD, co-chair
Planned Giving Mr. Charles Watson
Recovery Ministries The Rev. Dorothea Hospador, Dcn
St. Martin’s House Board of Managers The Rev. Matthew S Engleby
Standing Committee The Rev. Canon Andy Moore, Chair
Canon Karen Moore, Secretary
Standing Commission: Clerical Compensation The Rev. Angela Cipolla
Standing Committee: Constitution and Canons The Rev. Dr. John Mitchell
Standing Committee: Real Estate Canon Paul Wolfgang
Stewardship Commission/Project Resource The Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick
The Sudan Committee The Rev. Martin Oguike
Trustees of Diocesan Trust Funds The Rt. Rev. Sally French
Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) Ms. Linda Shomo
The Campus Ministry Foundation The Rt. Rev. Sally French, President
Women’s Commission The Rev. Deborah Piggins
Youth Council Ms. Clare Gutwein  Youth Missioner