St. Mark’s, Plainfield has started a walkup free food pantry. The outdoor pantry is on the front lawn, close to the sidewalk, allowing passersby easy access. It invites anyone to
Take what you need
Leave what you can
The pantry was built and donated in memory of William and Cecily McDonald by their family. It was blessed by the Rev. Angelo Wildgoose on October 31 and is now fully stocked with non-perishable food and other household necessities donated by St. Mark’s members.
It is not always easy for people in need to ask for help. The Free Food Pantry, a new ministry for St. Mark’s, allows anyone to take what they need without having to ask anyone. In addition, it allows those who do have enough to help people in need in a very direct way. Users of the pantry can also request prayers using the Prayer Request box mounted on the side of the pantry.