

“Bartimaeus and Jesus,” a Chancel Drama

Contributed by: St. Francis Stewardship Committee

As part of St. Francis’s fall Stewardship Campaign the Rev. Canon Frank Hubbard, our Priest Associate, wrote, produced, and directed a short Chancel Drama called “Bartimaeus and Jesus”. The drama was based on the Gospel reading for the 22nd Sunday of Pentecost – Mark 10:46-52 – where Bartimaeus is a blind beggar on the outskirts of Jericho, who throws away all his coins rushing to meet Jesus. He begs Jesus for healing, to restore his sight, and Jesus does so with the words “your faith has made you well”.

Fr. Frank rounded up a variety actors from the pews of St. Francis, calling this new group The St. Francis Players. The drama was very entertaining, and made the point that faith in God is rewarded and that the path of discipleship isn’t always easy, but it’s still something we’re called to do.

Fr. Frank is the author of several published Chancel Dramas and is a treasured member of St. Francis Church (Dunellen).