As of Jan. 6, 2022, in all cases where the guidelines of the Diocese of New Jersey refer to “fully-vaccinated individuals” that term refers to individuals who have received the initial recommended doses of their vaccine series and any recommended booster doses when eligible to receive such boosters under current FDA and CDC guidance and recommendation.
At the time of this publication (Jan. 6, 2022), that means
- individuals over 12, 5 months after the completion of their initial series of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
- individuals over 18, 6 months after the completion of an initial Moderna vaccine series
- individuals over 18, 2 months after the single-dose initial Johnson & Johnson vaccine
should have received their booster dose to be considered fully-vaccinated under Diocese of New Jersey guidelines for worship and gathering.
A grace period of six weeks after eligibility can be offered to allow individuals time to schedule and receive their booster doses before it affects their eligibility to participate in worship leadership.
Please note that guidance for the ministries which require proof of vaccination is included in the RRR Report of May 28, 2021, and the vaccination requirements therein are still in effect:
- The congregation must verify and record the fully-vaccinated status of choir members (whose ministry requires them to project their breath further and more forcefully than most worshippers), lectors or readers, and any liturgical leaders whose ministry requires speaking to the congregation.
- If the fully-vaccinated status of a choir member or liturgical leader cannot be verified, that individual must remain masked and at least six feet distant from anyone not in their household or immunological bubble, 10 feet while speaking and 15 feet singing.