

Search Committee Releases Timeline for Election of Bishop

The Bishop Search and Nomination Committee has released a detailed timeline of the ongoing process for the election of our next bishop.

The graphic takes us from our current place in the process—a call to everyone in the diocese (yes, you) to respond to a survey of your thoughts on the current state of our diocese, your hopes for the future, and the qualities you think important for our next bishop to possess. Complete the Online Assessment in English  or Complete la evaluación en línea en español. Deadline for Submission Is March 8.

Bishop Search Timeline

Feb. 14–March 8, 2022: Diocesan Survey Opens (All members of the diocese are asked to submit the survey by March 8)

March 22, 2022: Results of Diocesan Survey Released

Late March 2022: Diocesan Listening Sessions. We’ll gather in multiple meetings to discuss the bishop selection period and the future of our diocese

April 18, 2022: Diocesan Profile Published and Candidate Application Period Opens

May 9, 2022: Application Deadline

May to October 2022: Discernment Process (review of applications, interviews, background checks, and discernment retreat)

Late October 2022: Slate of Candidates Announced (petition candidates accepted)

Early January 2023: Diocesan Meet & Greet (opportunities to meet the full slate, comprised of committee nominees and, if applicable, petition nominees)

Jan. 28, 2023: Special Electing Convention

June 24, 2023: Ordination of 13th Bishop of New Jersey