

ECS–NJ Offers Grant Writing 101 Workshop

Join us for a workshop on how to apply for grants.  Not just Episcopal Community Services’ grants, all grants.
T.J. Houlihan, Senior Development Officer for the wider Episcopal Church, will present Grant Writing 101 on Saturday, March 26 at 10 am.

Mark it on your calendar and be sure to come. Grant writing is a skill you’ll be able to use in a lot of different areas!

Register Here

If you  have any questions, email

About T.J. Houlihan

A native Chicagoan, Houlihan brings more than 20 years of development and fundraising experience to the Presiding Bishop’s staff in The Episcopal Church Office of Development. He envisions a Church well-funded and growing and is passionate about giving and fundraising as ministry. He works on notable campaigns including Episcopal Migration Ministries, the historic Good Friday Offering, and the Bless Annual Appeal, among others. Prior to his work at The Episcopal Church, Houlihan was Director of Development at Marble Collegiate Church, NYC. His previous experience includes the Seamen’s Church Institute of NY & NJ, Lyric Opera of Chicago, and grantmaking at the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, where his grants portfolio ranged from arts and culture to supporting Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. Houlihan is a member Brother of the Order of St John, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, The Church Club of New York, and The Episcopal Parish Network (formerly CEEP) Planning Committee. He studied vocal performance at the Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University. He enjoys performing Early Music, biking, traveling, horology, and watch collecting. He is a proud living kidney donor recipient and advocate, and because of, believes in the spirituality of giving in all its many ways and its power to transform lives. “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:12-13.”