

Theme Announced for Diocesan Convention

Bishop Stokes has announced the theme for this year’s diocesan convention: “Strengthening Disciples for the Future.” This theme reflects both the time of transition our diocese is in—adaptations arising from the pandemic, changes in church demographics, and the coming election of the diocese’s 13th bishop in particular—but also our ongoing purpose to “to form people as disciples of Jesus Christ so they can flourish as human beings, alleviate the world’s suffering, and participate in God’s mission of reconciliation.”

Diocesan Convention is a time when clergy and lay representatives from around our diocese gather to share in the polity of the Church, upholding the common mission and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. All are welcome to join us as we worship together, conduct business, and listen to presentations.

For all the latest information, forms, and reports related to diocesan convention, visit our Web site.

This year’s one-day online meeting will be held on Saturday, March 5.

Voting members will take part online via Zoom and should register here. Non-voting members may view the proceedings on the Diocesan YouTube channel. If you are not a voting member, your registration for the Zoom meeting will be denied. All voting for candidates, resolutions and the Budgets will be performed electronically.

Note: Voting members refers to canonical clergy and elected lay deputies eligible to vote. Non-voting participants refers to licensed clergy, alternates, and guests.

Pre-Convention Hearings

All clergy and deputies are invited to attend one or more of the pre-convention hearings to learn more about the budget, resolutions, and canons being presented at convention. Meetings will be held via Zoom on the following dates. Register here.

Feb. 14
3:00-5:00 p.m.

Feb. 19
11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Feb. 21
7:00-9:00 p.m.

Feb. 22
7:00-9:00 p.m.


Deputy Certification Form—canonical requirement:

Please fax or mail all names of deputies and alternates to Diocesan House on the form titled ‘Lay Deputy Certification.’ The deadline is January 15, 2022 or within three days of your annual meeting. If your deputies and alternates are not on our certified master list, they will not be issued voting credentials. Please remember to call or email Diocesan House with any changes after submitting names. If you have misplaced your form which was mailed in the Fall, please go to our website or call or email Diocesan House for a new form.

Convention materials, including Agenda, Rules of Order, The Budget, Constitution and Canons, Resolutions, Nominating Committee Report, Worship booklet, and other reports will be posted on the diocesan website: as they become available.

Nominations from the Floor

Nominations for open diocesan offices that have not yet been submitted will now be considered “nominations from the floor.” Such nominations must be submitted via this online form no later than February 26.