November 6, 2022
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
Please join the choirs of All Saints’ Church, Princeton, and the Church of the Holy Spirit, Harleysville, PA, as they present Choral Evensong, a sung service taken from the Daily Office. This program is in preparation as the choirs collaborate to serve a residency at Exeter Cathedral, UK, August 4-14, 2023. The service will commemorate the Feast of All Saints.
Featured music includes works of Charles Villiers Stanford, Howard Helvey and Margaret Burk. Organ Voluntaries and hymns round out the choral service.
The choirs are directed by Kevin O’Malia and Sue Ellen Echard.
A light reception will follow the event.
A freewill offering will be taken to benefit the UK residency.
All Saints’ Church, a welcoming and affirming space, is open to all who enter our doors.