Contemplative Prayer Group
Contemplative Prayer Group
“Be still and know that I am God!" (Psalm 46:10) Our world is complex and it can be overwhelming and our thoughts can sometimes be scattered. Where is God in
Submitted by: The Reverend Maria B. Sanzo
Inviting God into the search process through prayer opens our hearts and minds and helps us envision the future of our diocese. As we search for the pastor God has selected for us, let us join our voices in prayer for the Spirit to lead and unite our hearts and minds.
Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for this Diocese (or, rector for this parish), that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP pg. 818
Gracious God, we place our trust in you that you will fill us with your hopes and desires for the Diocese of New Jersey as we search for our next bishop. Open our hearts and our minds to your guidance, that we may be led to the one who will serve as our next bishop.
Loving God who leads us into growth and discovery, give us curious and discerning minds, open us up to the possibilities of newness, and help us be still and listen to your voice as we search for our new bishop.
God of all, hold the diocese of New Jersey in the palm of your hand during this time of discernment. Help us to come together as sisters and brother of Jesus Christ, listening to one another with open hearts and open minds. Enter into our conversations and make them holy and lead us into a peaceful place of unity as we search for our new bishop.
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“Be still and know that I am God!" (Psalm 46:10) Our world is complex and it can be overwhelming and our thoughts can sometimes be scattered. Where is God in
A chance for the Diocese to come together to discuss current issues, share fellowship, worship, and work together on challenges facing us today. Register in advance for this meeting:
A chance for clergy of the Diocese to come together to discuss current issues, share fellowship, worship, and work together on challenges facing us today. Register in advance for this
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Bishop's Forum for Clergy is a chance for casual conversation, less structured and information-packed than the monthly Town Halls. Held the third Thursday of the month via Zoom. Register here
Topic: Deans’ Meeting Time: Every month on the Third Thursday 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
A chance for the Diocese to come together to discuss current issues, share fellowship, worship, and work together on challenges facing us today. Register in advance for this meeting:
A chance for clergy of the Diocese to come together to discuss current issues, share fellowship, worship, and work together on challenges facing us today. Register in advance for this
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