Deadlines are coming up. English and Spanish courses are available.
If you are a clergyperson or a lay leader, you’re guiding your congregation through change—and to do that effectively, certain skills are key. The Diocese of New Jersey is now offering three groups—called The Academy of Artful Leadership—to strengthen your gifts in each area. The goal for your time in the Academy is greater clarity and steady movement towards congregational change.
“We’re thrilled to offer the AAL for leaders in the Diocese of New Jersey,” said Rob Droste, Canon for Mission and Discipleship. “The content is solid and the process really satisfying. AAL allows clergy and lay leaders to hone their change-management skills and benefit from having a personal coach.”

Three groups are forming right now. The Rev. Joanna Hollis is leading a group for women clergy; the Rev. Canon Juan Monge is leading a group of Hispanic clergy and lay leaders (all materials and presentations will be in Spanish); and the Rev. Canon Clive Sang is leading a group for Black clergy and lay leaders.
If you would like information on AAL in general, click here for an information sheet. Each faculty member is also developing a website for information and registration; Joanna Hollis’ is already available. (If you’re not in any of their groups, Rob Droste is collecting names for other groups starting in January. Email him here at
More About the Academy
How it Works. Each faculty member will provide a series of facilitated peer conversations around major themes in ministry, followed by individual coaching. The Academy utilizes a “coach approach” process in which the coach helps to mine the expertise and wisdom of participants, rather than relying on instruction from a teacher or prescriptions from a consultant.
“The Coach Approach.” This “coach approach” process helps gifted leaders discern the God-sized things that need to happen, develop a plan to get there and celebrate with them when they do. Transformation happens when we take what we learn, consider it in our own context, identify what needs to happen, and put in place specific action steps to achieve the vision.
Topics Covered:
- Life-giving spiritual leadership
- Life-giving adaptive leadership
- Disruption as a Holy opportunity
- The importance of vision and the power of SMART goals
- Enhancing small group ministry
- Empowering lay leadership
- Fresh expressions of worship
- The coach approach to ministry
Cost. There is a cost for AAL. Please see the individual description websites for more information. Significant scholarship assistance is available from the Diocesan Office of Mission and Discipleship, and it is possible to split the remaining tuition after assistance over your 2020 and 2021 budgets. If cost is an issue, please ask!