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Contemplative Prayer Group

meets the first and third Monday of each month see all

January 6 @ 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

“Be still and know that I am God!” (Psalm 46:10)

Our world is complex and it can be overwhelming and our thoughts can sometimes be scattered. Where is God in all of it? Please join Kate O’Connor, Pastoral Care Associate at St. David’s Episcopal Church, Cranbury, and congregants of St. David’s as we take time to experience God and support one another in prayer. Our relationship with God can deepen through the practice of Contemplative Prayer, a practice that is as ancient as the Old Testament and as contemporary as witnessed by Richard Rohr, OFM. Some weeks, we will grow in our ability to sit in the silence of Centering Prayer to nourish our hearts.  On other weeks, we will practice Lectio Divina, an immersive experience with a Scripture passage to nourish our minds.  We will also experience various contemplative practices such as Lovingkindness Meditation and Welcoming Prayer.  Our contemplative “sit” is followed by discussion. Let’s spend an hour together as we learn to be present and attentive to the “still small voice” of God.

Our group meets on the St. David’s Zoom Account on the first and third Mondays of each month from 7:00-8:00 pm.

Click on the Contemplative Prayer Group link on the St. David’s events page to enter.

An introduction is given at the beginning of each session for newcomers.



January 6
7:00 pm—8:00 pm
Event Category:
NJ 08618 United States