Contemplative Prayer Group
Contemplative Prayer Group
“Be still and know that I am God!" (Psalm 46:10) Our world is complex and it can be overwhelming and our thoughts can sometimes be scattered. Where is God in
An in-person gathering celebrating Absalom Jones
A Service of Witness to Black Ministry in the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey
Absalom Jones Service of Witness to Black Clergy
Feb. 19
3:00 p.m.
Sponsored by: Black Clergy Caucus Commission on Black Ministries Union of Black Episcopalians
Presiding: The Right Reverend William H. ‘“Chip” Stokes Bishop of NJ
Preaching: The Rev. James N. Wilson, II St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Pleasantville, NJ
Highlighting: Christ the King Episcopal Church, Willingboro, NJ
Ven. Lynn H. Johnson, Archdeacon
Canon Clive Sang, Deacon
Ms. Linda Shomo, President EBS-UBE
Celebrating the life and ministry of the Rev. Absalom Jones, the first African-American ordained to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church, 1804.
Born into slavery, Jones founded the first African-American Episcopal congregation–the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas in Philadelphia.
Ten years later, in 1802, he was the first African American to be ordained as a priest in the Episcopal Church of the United States. He is listed on the Episcopal calendar of saints. He is remembered liturgically on the date of his death, February 13, in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.