

A Guide for Church Live Streaming

Contributed by: Fr. Ryan Paetzold | Associate, Christ Church Parish, Bordentown | Priest-in-Charge, Sts. Stephen and Barnabas Episcopal Church, Florence

lovestream setupBack in the early 2000s, a church asked me to help design a camera system in order to record their services for members who were homebound, as well as to provide a video feed for those in overflow locations during the service. Little did I know that nearly twenty years later I’d be doing it again, and the technology has changed and created some easier options for getting started. As Covid numbers continue to rise in the our state, I realized that it might be helpful to make a basic guide for churches that would like to include livestreaming in their ministry, but don’t know where to start. Below is a link to a page on our website where I’ve posted “A Guide for Church Live Streaming”; I’m linking to the page as I expect the guide to be updated as time goes on and for its specific link to change.

Livestream ministries help to build connections within our community and are especially helpful for those who want to attend church services but are unable to attend in person due to their own health or the health of someone in their household. If you’re looking to start a livestream ministry, I hope this guide is helpful. If you have any questions about the guide or about creating a setup, feel free to reach out to me and I’ll do my best to help.