Town Hall Meetings with the bishop are usually held on the first Thursday of each month. Due to scheduling conflicts, the November Town Halls will be on the second Thursday, Nov. 9.
Town Hall Meetings—a chance for clergy or for lay people to meet with diocesan leadership—have been held via Zoom since the beginning of the pandemic. As that crisis has waned, the meetings have moved from being held weekly to monthly.
Clergy Town Halls are at 11 a.m., while meetings for lay leaders across the diocese are at 7 p.m. They follow a similar format each month: a greeting from the bishop, followed by reports, updates, and question-and-answer sessions with various ministry leaders, an open forum where anyone can raise any issue, ending with a Daily Office prayer service led by the bishop.
Clergy Town Halls are restricted to clergy of the diocese, while Lay Town Halls are open for all. Both meetings are recorded, with the clergy meetings posted to the Diocesan Staff and Clergy Facebook page, and lay meetings posted to the diocesan Web site and YouTube channel.
You need only register for a meeting once to be invited to future meetings. The same link you used to attend the meeting in 2021 still works today. Reminder emails typically go out the day of a meeting, but if you don’t receive one you can use the link from any of the previous emails. If you’d like to stop receiving emails, click the link in the email to cancel your registration. The reminder email also includes a link to add the meeting to your calendar.
Use this link to register for the Lay Town Halls. Use this link for the Clergy Town Hall.
Oct. 5 Town Hall Recording
Recordings of Town Hall Meetings are posted to the diocesan YouTube channel.