00:53:04 Tena Achen: Active J2A group - 12+ members. 00:53:05 Tracey Siegel: Some parishioners who had not attended for 2-3 years have started to return. 00:53:11 Chuck Knill: Food truck event 00:53:15 Phyllis Jones: Restarting in-person outreach activities 00:53:21 Mary: Outreach projects, fund-raising, teams, social gatherings with parishioners 00:53:30 Shirley Thompson: More members have staying for coffee hour and just enjoying fellowship 00:53:34 Debbie Brewin-Wilson (she/her): 2 ways: first, I was called there as Priest-in-Charge; and we've been planning a 150th anniversary celebration for the church. 00:53:37 Eva: Holy Spirit Lebanon: Hybrid Sunday services – in person, on Zoom, and through FaceBook Live, to enable many to worship together. 00:53:40 Doreen Mills: parish has reconnected via our interim priest duringthe last 14 m onths 00:53:40 Sandra: Through our coffee hour after service 00:53:44 Noreen Duncan: Grill and Gospel evenings 00:53:52 Alison Hyland: Our Thrift Shop has been a great motivator for parishioners to reconnect. 00:54:03 Bob Fitzpatrick: God has brought a lot of people out for ministry and for fellowship. We have more people in weekday outreach (Food Pantry, Thrift Shop, Town Market) and Sunday worship. 00:54:10 Chuck Knill: Started prayer blanket ministry 00:54:32 Chuck Knill: women's group restarted 00:54:43 Stefanie Bodine: God has continued to bring new people into the congregation, We need to continue to reach out to our parishoners. We continue to have events, dinners, and programs. Trying to connect with people we haven't seen. Fellowship being done by more people. 00:54:49 Shirley Thompson: Had nice barbeque 00:54:54 Megan: As a retiree now doing supply pretty consistently at one parish, I see people connecting by continuing to Zoom worship (and record and post), and actually speaking with the Zoom attendees. Much attention is being given to birthdays, anniversaries and so on. And leisurely "coffee hour" after the second service is bringing people together. 00:55:57 Tom: St. Peter's is growing and reaching out to the community,with fund raising and a new super growing pantry 01:03:22 Stefanie Bodine: Neighbors in a nearby village had a fire that burned their home, fire went to next home. Our Minister shared from his discretionary fund. We had a dinner, a few people put it together. No charge. All donations went to replenish the fund. $1505 collected. 01:12:31 William Ndishabandi: Good Evening everyone, I am glad to join you for tonight meeting, however, I might not be with you the whole time, I am in the middle of writing a liturgy for a special funeral of one of our parishioner. 01:13:45 Stefanie Bodine: new - tech Thursday - people bring in their computers, tablets, phones looking for help 01:13:53 Bob Fitzpatrick: NEW 01:14:56 Doreen Mills: music and worship 01:14:58 Tom: A NEW Pantry that is going very well!!!1 01:15:05 Debbie Brewin-Wilson (she/her): We're going to start Messy Church in September. 01:15:11 Bob Fitzpatrick: New: Fellowship: BBQ 01:15:19 Stefanie Bodine: Trumpet played at offertory Stefanie Bodine from Whiting, 01:15:27 William Ndishabandi: Music and Worship 01:15:35 Alison Hyland: Service to others: sending out Birthday,Anniversary and Thinking of you cards. We sent out 80+ from March to July so far. 01:15:44 Eva: Bell Choir resurrected 01:15:51 Wendy: We invited the neighbor hood kids to Christmas, valentine and Easter Egg Hunt, we were able to 30 children from the neighbor hood at all of them, we also had a movie night. 01:15:52 Doreen Mills: incense used every sunday. suggested by interim. Some like it, some don't. To be continued 01:15:54 Tena Achen: Providing snacks for kids at Mercer Street Friends 01:16:09 Shirley Thompson: Worship- celebrating African American historian throughout the year during service 01:16:18 Bob Fitzpatrick: PIVOT 01:16:52 Mary: Plans to start Legacy Society and session on final documents 01:17:06 Tom: The Sunday School. 01:17:09 Wendy: You're ministry 01:17:11 Shirley Thompson: Music 01:17:15 Debbie Brewin-Wilson (she/her): Thursday night meals came back in-person with both sit-down inside to dine or take home. 01:17:17 William Ndishabandi: Formation and Service to others 01:17:19 Alison Hyland: We lost our organist during Covid and we now have a new organist who is sensational! 01:17:28 Eva: New Sunday school Program based on Lego-blocks 01:17:33 Stefanie Bodine: from Stefanie to everyone --working on creating a legacy society 01:17:47 Bob Fitzpatrick: moved coffee hour to bigger room to fit people and use kitchen again more 01:17:48 Doreen Mills: first female eucharistic minister 11/6/22 01:17:50 Noreen Duncan: "Coffee Hour" evolving as more stay after mass tp eat and fellowship. 01:18:12 dr ilogu: we started more in-church focus 01:18:14 Shirley Thompson: Coffee hour 01:18:29 Chuck Knill: Sunday school, youth group. Set up a special space in the balcony for young families. 01:18:36 Bob Fitzpatrick: ON HOLD 01:18:44 Tom: Nothing 01:19:02 Stefanie Bodine: Stefanie to everyone - chime choir still on hold 01:19:02 Debbie Brewin-Wilson (she/her): Music program having a hard time taking off. 01:19:07 Chuck Knill: Acolyte program no longer happens. 01:19:08 dr ilogu: Annual Night out is on hold 01:19:18 Eva: Daily offices via Zoom, which we were doing 5 weekdays during the pandemic, are now on hold. 01:19:25 Wendy: Men' s group 01:19:27 William Ndishabandi: Childred, youth and Families 01:19:42 Tena Achen: Adult Forum has been on hold. Slowly restarting. 01:20:00 Alison Hyland: Men's Breakfast and Women's Breakfast are on-hold. 01:20:07 Bob Fitzpatrick: Lay Eucharistic Visitors was on hold for 2 years+ Now new/returning LEVS and training. 01:20:21 Doreen Mills: we spent a lot of time reconnecting. Almost everything put on hold while searching for a new rector 01:20:31 dr ilogu: service to shelter - on hold by church but individuals doing it 02:02:59 Bob Fitzpatrick: WHAT IS YOUR ONE NEXT STEP? 02:03:20 Bob Fitzpatrick: WHO WILL YOU TURN TO TO HELP? 02:04:32 Bob Fitzpatrick: Doreen: help new rector get settled 02:05:33 Bob Fitzpatrick: Tena: Share ideas from tonight - food truck, kids art, grill and gospel - with vestry 02:05:43 dr ilogu: SAME!!! FOOD TRUCK!! Hooking up with vestry too 02:06:24 dr ilogu: also communicate even further with parishioners 02:06:41 Bob Fitzpatrick: Noreen: Share tonight's lessons, especially direct ontact with members and new members, with stewardship chair and senior warden. Also, vestry members phone ministry 02:07:03 Martha Heiner: Food truck idea - go to FoodTruckLady.Com 02:08:09 dr ilogu: Reacted to "Food truck idea - go..." with 👍🏿 02:08:12 Bob Fitzpatrick: Stephanie: Regather stewardship team, including drawing on parishioners to share knowledge and faith stories 02:09:16 Bob Fitzpatrick: Tom: first stewardship meeting of season next week, will use to flesh out plan for key dates that are already set 02:10:09 Bob Fitzpatrick: Shirley: recruit 1-2 additional stewardship team members through personal invitations, in August 02:11:07 Bob Fitzpatrick: book reference from Doreen: Spirituality of Stewardship, by Henri Nouwen 02:11:52 Doreen Mills: A Spirituality of Fundraising Henri J.M. Nouwen