

Parochial Report Forms & Instructions

Parochial reports are required to be filed online with The Episcopal Church (TEC) using their website: a login provided by the Diocesan office)  with a signed hard copy required to be filed with the Diocesan Finance Office.  Deadline for electronic filing of your parochial report with TEC is March 1st, and deadline for filing of the signed hard copy with the Diocesan Finance Office is May 1.

In the last quarter of each year, TEC’s Research and Statistics office sends out packets to each congregation in our Diocese, containing hard copies of the parochial report forms and instructions as well as login information to the above-referenced site, specific to your church.  If you do not receive or cannot locate your packet, you should contact Canon Phyllis Jones, CFO at the Diocesan Finance Office (609-394-5281 x31 or, who also has access to your login information.

For reference purposes, below you will find the links to the forms and instructions:

What does TEC do with all this data after they’ve collected it?  Check out some of the interesting links below:

  • Studying your Congregation and Community – pick your own congregation or any others you might be interested in anywhere across The Episcopal Church, and find out about Giving & Participation trends as well as community demographics
  • Tables, Charts and Research Reports – all kinds of compilations, analyses and summaries about Giving & Participation trends for every diocese across The Episcopal Church.
Addendum to Diocese of NJ Parochial Report
Annual survey conducted each year by the Anti-Racism Commission to identify the communities of color in each congregation of the Diocese.