Are you or your church still seeking Lenten resources for groups or individuals? Episcopal Relief and Development can help us as we ponder an essential question this Lent: “Who is my neighbor?” Some of the personal challenges, on this topic and others, are addressed in their published 2023 Lenten Meditations and you can receive these daily in your inbox by signing up here.
Consider a great way to help those in need by observing the Episcopal Relief and Development Sunday! This year, it falls on Sunday, February 26 (More info. here.) Many churches observe it on the first Sunday of Lent, while others plan a more convenient date for their needs. offers a great deal of support and suggestions for various actions to help those in need domestically and globally.
Our diocesan Global Goals Task Force supports EpiscopalRelief annually. We also offer annual matching grants (applications due Nov. 1st) and that your congregation is eligible up to $750 per program!
Lastly, please continue to pray for all those living in need.