Thank you to everyone who completed the survey and participated in the listening sessions; it’s vital voices across the diocese are heard, and your participation is much appreciated. Summaries of the information gathered from both the survey and the listening sessions will be coming out shortly.
Gathering information from the survey and listening sessions is not the only work happening on the Bishop Search and Nomination Committee. The various sub-committees have been diligently working to ensure a smooth search process. We are asking everyone to pray for the search process itself as well as all committee members, the Standing Committee, and the diocese too! Inviting God into the search process through prayer opens our hearts and minds and helps us envision the future of our diocese. We are asking everyone to pray the following prayer. As we search for the pastor God has selected for us, let us join our voices in prayer for the Spirit to lead and unite our hearts and minds.
A prayer for our diocese:
God of all, hold the Diocese of New Jersey in the palm of your hand during this time of discernment. Help us to come together as sisters and brothers of Jesus Christ, listening to one another with open hearts and open minds. Enter into our conversations and make them holy and lead us into a peaceful place of unity as we search for our new bishop.