

Church of the Holy Spirit Tuckerton—Congregation Profile

Contributed by: Jim Wack, Church of the Holy Spirit, Tuckerton

Part of a series of profiles of congregations across the Diocese. See more here. Submit your congregation’s profile here.

We are a small, mission church first formed in the 1940s through the initiative of one Mrs. Mary White. We serve the seaport communities of Tuckerton, Little Egg Harbor, and surrounding towns. We are closely linked to our sister churches in southern Ocean County through our early days of formation and most recently in our affiliation with St. Stephen’s of Waretown. Please watch our services on our Facebook page or please join us when you are able.

Our Mission: We seek to provide spiritual nourishment for all who enter this household of God, encouraging them to follow their own spiritual pilgrimage through worship, fellowship, and study. Upheld by the Holy Spirit, we reach out to all people of the greater Tuckerton area. Join us as we connect with God, build community, and transform lives.

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