New Call:
- Christ Church Woodbury—The Lawrence Civale
- Calvary Flemington & Thomas Pittstown, F/T Priest in Charge
- Christo Rey bi-lingual priest F/T priest in charge
- Luke’s, Metuchen, F/T priest in charge with option to be called as rector
- Paul’s, Westfield, F/T rector
- Peter’s Perth Amboy, F/T priest in charge with option to be called as rector
Preparing to open soon:
- All Saints, Princeton
- Grace Haddonfield
- Holy Apostles, Yardville
In discernment:
- Holy Trinity, South River
- Matthew, Pennington
Seeking bilingual full-time clergy
- All Saints Lakewood
Seeking part-time priest
- Thomas Redbank
Completed Affiliations:
- St. Barnabas Monmouth Junction and St. Francis Dunellen (preparing to search)
Affiliation discernment in process:
- St Luke’s Ewing and Grace-St Paul’s Mercerville
- Bernard in Bernardsville and St. John on the Mountain, Bernardsville
Merger in process
Grace and St. Mark’s Plainfield