The Rev. Todd Foster of St. Thomas Glassboro says the genesis of the idea for a summer fundraising campaign to benefit Episcopal Community Services of New Jersey began with the second round of government stimulus checks. Father Todd and his wife decided that there were others with greater need who wouldn’t be receiving checks, and so they looked to the Rev. Canon Ramon Ubiera (Canon Missioner for Hispanic Ministries of the Diocese of NJ) for assistance in reaching those neighbors.
The Rev. Canon Joan Mason (co-chair of the ECS-NJ Advisory Council) made a powerful presentation to the Vestry of St. Thomas on May 20, emphasizing the vision and values of ECS-NJ and making an appeal for the financial assistance of congregations across our diocese. Father Todd informed the vestry of his intention to donate his second stimulus check to ECS-NJ and invited the vestry to join him. The result was a pledge of $7,500!
In a Pentecost letter to the congregation, Father Todd announced the commitment of the vestry and invited the congregation to “come alongside and join [them] in this effort.” The senior warden followed with a letter encouraging the people of St. Thomas to respond generously and joyfully, and they did!
The campaign ended on Sunday, August 31, and the total amount raised was just under $12,000! Father Todd, who came to the Diocese of New Jersey in 2018 from the Diocese of Olympia in Washington, was encouraged by the words of his former Bishop (The Rt. Rev. Greg Rickel) who said, “In the church, we don’t do things alone.”
Working together in a spirit of partnership and with a common purpose, we can (and we will) through the ministry of ECS-NJ, make a difference! Thanks, Father Todd, for your leadership and for the partnership of the people of St. Thomas of Glassboro!
As Christians, we recognize the importance of relating to the pain of others, of walking in their shoes. As Episcopalians, we also recognize our role in easing that pain.
Your generous support will guarantee our diocese the ability to expand our ministries across New Jersey in order to better address the needs of society. With your support, we will stand up for social justice and overcome the bonds of racism.
All this is possible if we work together! ECS-NJ will strengthen our ability to focus in a united and coordinated way. Remember, we are stronger together!
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For more information, contact: The Rev. Dr. David L. Snyder, ECS-NJ Development Officer