

Resources for ECS Sunday, May 1

Contributed by: The ECS-NJ Advisory Council

May 1

For the body is not one member, but many
—1 Corinthians 12:14

Dear Clergy and Lay Leaders of the Diocese of New Jersey,

We are calling upon each congregation in the Diocese of New Jersey to join in prayer in celebration of Episcopal Community Services of the Diocese of New Jersey (ECS-NJ) on ECS Sunday: May 1.

It is our hope that each of our churches will join us in prayer. With that in mind, we have created a toolkit to aid you in planning your congregation’s spiritual participation. Within this kit, you will find:

  • an ECS Sunday collect (included in the bulletin insert)
  • a Bishop’s Sermon for ECS Sunday (to be emailed to every congregation)
  • an insert to distribute in your church’s bulletin on May 1

As we unite in song and prayer that day, we will know that our brothers and sisters throughout the diocese are joining us as we raise our voices to Heaven.

This year we will be focused upon maximizing engagement in this exciting new ministry that focuses on proactively addressing human needs and relentlessly working against both social and racial injustice. ECS-NJ has already begun to strengthen our collective ability. In that effort, we ask you, the clergy and wardens, to identify and enlist an ECS Champion in your congregation. The role of an ECS Champion will be to:

  • serve as a liaison to the vestry
  • be the “human face” of ECS-NJ in your congregation
  • share ECS-NJ messages and events
  • communicate your congregation’s needs/wants with ECS-NJ
  • attend biannual briefings with the Bishop and ECS-NJ leadership

Please begin to think about who might be a good champion from your congregation and be prepared to submit the name of your ECS Champion on or before June 30. A member of ECS-NJ will contact you or you can send your champion’s name and contact information to

Please plan to observe ECS Sunday on May 1 in your congregation!

If you have not done so already, we ask that each of you please join us today as a Friend of ECS-NJ by providing your contact information and committing to pray regularly for ECS-NJ here.

Please pray for the success of this mission. We are so grateful for your help in this endeavor. Thank you so much.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at