

Rally to Support Same-Day Voter Registration

The Diocese of New Jersey and ECS–NJ are co-sponsoring an event on May 26 at the State House in Trenton to support same-day voter registration in New Jersey. There are several ways you can be involved:

  • Attend an online training Thursday at 6:00 to learn how to lobby your state legislators on this issue.
  • Attend a rally of support State House in Trenton, May 26 at 10:00 a.m. After the rally, volunteers will enter the State House to speak with legislators to encourage their support.

Same-day voter registration is a vital tool to ensure that all eligible voters are allowed to have their voices heard. The event is organized by our partners at the New Jersey Institute for Social Justice.

People with low incomes are vastly under-represented in elections, in part because of the artificial barriers that keep them from registering to vote or exercising that vote. Same-day voter registration is an important step in leveling the playing field.

Upcoming Events

Train to lobby legislators on same-day voter registration
Thursday, May 19
6:00 pm
Register to attend this online training


Same-Day Voter Registration Rally & Lobby Day
Thursday, May 26
10:00 am
NJ State House, 125 W State St, Trenton
Registration and more information

what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice and to love kindness
and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8