Deadline for Nominations for the 13th Bishop of the Diocese of New Jersey is just around the corner…
Monday, May 9, is quickly approaching! Do you know someone or know someone who knows someone who might make a great bishop for our diocese? Please contact them, nominate them or send them our information.
The diocesan profile and link to the nomination form can be found here:
If you’re a clergyperson, we ask that you contact your seminary friends (and seminary administration if you know them), colleagues in other dioceses, and friends you may have made at clergy conferences/workshops. If you’re a layperson, we ask you to put our information out on the social media channels to which you have access.
The best way to effectively share our news is with JOY and ENTHUSIASM! We love being here, and we’re excited about our search process! Please help us share the joy and excitement we’re all feeling as we await our next steps!
Gracious God, we place our trust in you that you will fill us with your hopes and desires for the Diocese of New Jersey as we search for our next bishop. Open our hearts and our minds to your guidance, that we may be led to the one who will serve as our next bishop.
Prayer written by: The Rev. Dr. Maria B. Sanzo, Chaplain, Bishop Search and Nomination Committee