

Looking for a Lenten Study? Consider “DISPLACED”

Contributed by: The Rev. Ellen C. Rutherford, Afghan Refugee Resettlement Task Force Convenor

“DISPLACED” is a five-unit biblically based sequence of Lenten study materials for your use, prepared by members of the diocesan Refugee Resettlement Task Force. The units explore the experience of  displacement due to hunger and famine, loss and grief, war, persecution and fear, and political violence. The series sequence is designed to promote a somatic response to the experience of refugees and develop a sense of empathy among the participants.

The materials are organized into three tracks: young children (Sunday School activities), youth, and adults. The resources can be utilized for in-person and on-line presentation, for groups and for individual study. Each unit includes suggested activities for individual and group response.

Materials are available, free, for your use by contacting the Rev. Ellen C. Rutherford