August 16, 2021
My sisters and brothers in the Diocese of New Jersey, grace to you and peace, from God our Creator, and Jesus Christ, our blessed Savior. I pray that you all are doing well, as you continue to navigate the coronavirus pandemic, with its uncertainties, and variations that are plaguing the universe, and causing such grave anxiety among humankind. Indeed, we are living in continuously challenges times.
You may be aware that I have been on medical leave for the past three months. Please know that I am actively working on my recovery and undertaking the steps necessary to be healthy again, so that I may be able to return to work. Allow me the opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to our Bishop and Diocesan Staff for their love and support during my time of illness.
Additionally, I thank you for your prayers, kind thoughts, and words of encouragement during this difficult period for my family and me. I look forward to being with you in the near future, and extend God’s every blessing on your lives and ministries in the part of God’s reign, that is the Diocese of New Jersey. Remember that God is good, all the time. Take good care of yourselves, be safe, and be well.
With every blessing and peace, Brian+
In Brian’s absence, transitions issues and questions should be referred to Acting Transitions Officer Rhonda Jackson.