Updating Your Church's Profile on Episcopal Asset Map and dioceseofnj.org
More than at any other time of the year, people search for a church during Lent. Make sure that when they go looking, they can find you.
On the Diocese of New Jersey Web site, we use “Episcopal Asset Map” to power our Find a Church page. One big advantage of Episcopal Asset Map is that you have the ability to build your own profile.
During Lent, you especially want to be sure that all your worship times, places (including online), and languages are featured.
You also want to use the page to tell a story, show how your congregation or ministry is different, so the people who want what you have don’t have to actually walk in your door before they know it.
See below to learn how to update your congregation’s page on Episcopal Asset Map, but before you do, complete the form to the right or at this link to create a profile on the diocesan Web site. It’s your way to reach out to people looking for a church and to tell them why you’re the place they’re looking for.
And be sure to sign up to be part of Ashes to Go on Ash Wednesday, bringing church to the streets.
Create Your Church’s Profile for dioceseofnj.org
Can’t see the form below? Follow this link.Updating Your Episcopal Asset Map Entry
Update EAM
What do I do if the information for my church or organization is wrong or outdated?
See the videos to the left to see how to find and update your church’s listing on the Episcopal Asset Map.
From the church, school, institution, or ministry’s profile page, please click on the “Update This Place” link above its title. From here, you can suggest updates and changes to the information. Be sure to look at all the tabs on the survey page, add your name and email address in case we have questions, and click the “Save and Submit” button before navigating away from the page. This will send the suggested edits to the diocese for approval.
Find a Church Page on Our Web Site
Can’t see the page below? Find it here.