After months of prayer, planning, and development, Diocese’s Discipleship Conference arrives tomorrow. Beginning at 8:00 with Morning Prayer livestreamed from Trinity Cathedral, the day of online workshops is designed to build your knowledge and resources for sharing the Word of God. The six scheduled sessions feature a wide variety of clergy and laypeople sharing the secrets of their ministries. You’re encouraged to attend any sessions that interest you, whether you drop in for an hour or for the whole day.
With a keynote address by Bishop Stokes, the day will include sessions on public advocacy, a program presented by Canon Rob Droste to use coaching to help parents share God’s love with their children, Stretching Out Our Arms of Love to the World,” and a view of what a “Messy Church” looks like.
We’ll see you online tomorrow. Register now.
Download the Digital Conference Packet.
Discipleship Conference
Equipping the Saints for Ministry
Welcome and Morning Prayer / 8:00 – 8:30 am:
The Very Rev. Dr. Caroline Carson
Session 1 / 8:30 – 9:30 am
The Intersection of Discipleship & Advocacy
Catherine Ambos, Canon Clara Gregory, Carolann Nicholas, Canon Phyllis Jones
Learn more about how our discipleship calls us to proactively address human needs such as food and shelter, and relentlessly work against both social and racial injustice.
Episcopal Community Services in the Diocese of New Jersey
Session 2 / 9:35 – 10:35 am
Coaches Assisting Parents
The Rev. Canon Dr. Rob Droste
Using our extensive network of coaches, we present an innovative new pilot program that focuses on coming alongside parents as they strengthen their children’s natural attachment to God.
Diocese of New Jersey Coaching Network
Lectio for Families
Handing Down the Faith
Session 3 / 10:40 – 11:40 am
The Restoration Project
Ms. Mary-Elise Haug
The Restoration Project is a movement focused on restoring ourselves and our communities through seven core Christian practices: pray, worship, serve, give, learn, listen, join. In this structure, people are developing meaningful prayer practices with daily prayer; deepening relationships with others and with God by forming discipleship groups; learning in small group formation classes; studying scripture alone and with others; attending church regularly to worship as a community; and holding each other accountable to listen for, and respond to, a unique call from God.
The Restoration Project
Session 5 / 1:25 – 2:25 pm
Stretching Out Our Arms of Love to the World
The Rev. Trisha Thorme, Dcn., the Rev. Eve Chamberlain, Dcn., and members of the Global Goals Task Force
This session offers models, ideas, and tools to help you and your parish show Christ’s love through an embrace that encircles the world. We’ll talk about the state of the world and consider what a Christian response looks like. From there we’ll consider specific ideas appropriate to your context and interests. Easy-to-use resources from Episcopal Relief and Development will be showcased, along with an opportunity to brainstorm ideas and share experiences.
Global Goals, UN, and ERD Resources
Lenten Resources from Episcopal Relief & Development
1000 Days Episcopal Sunday
Human Trafficking campaign example
2022 Matching Grant application
Session 6 / 2:30 – 3:30 pm
Messy Church: It’s Church But Not As You Know It
Ms. Cathy Brackin and Ms. Christina Botto
Messy Church is a way of being church for all ages to join in fun and faith formative activities. It is Christ-centered, intergenerational, based on creativity, hospitably, and celebration. Learn about the origin of this ecumenical movement, what it looks like, and how you can build this ministry in your congregation.
Messy Church USA
Messy Church at Holy Family
Messy Church Resource Page