

Fall Stewardship Course Begins Wednesday

Contributed by: Project Resource Team

It’s hard to believe it’s almost August, and almost time to begin our fall stewardship campaigns, where we ask our congregations to prayerfully consider how they will support the church in the coming year. Luckily, the Project Resource team jas developed strategies and materials to help you get started planning for the fall.

Join us the first three Wednesdays in August for our Summer Stewardship Workshop Series:

Reconnect, Build Your Team, & Follow Through
Wednesdays, Aug. 3, 10, 17 7:00–8:30 p.m.
Register Now

This workshop builds on our prior workshops and your input on how to:

  • reconnect with parishioners
  • build your team and plan
  • engage with your people.

Stewardship team members, wardens, rectors and vestry members encouraged to participate and bring your members.  All welcome. Register once for the series, and join us for any and all of the sessions using the same link. All presentations, handouts, and videos will be shared.