This year’s Discipleship Conference features a variety of session topics representative of ministries around the Diocese of New Jersey. Building on last year’s success, this year’s presentations include Discipleship 101 & Disability; Where Are the Young People: Discipleship & Youth Ministry; Growing Churches Grow People; and Autism Ministry at Christ Church, Palmyra. Many of this year’s sessions focus on the development of small group and individual faith practices, such as Discipleship: Hearing the Call, Building the Habit—An Ignatian Practice. As we bundle up against winter chill this month, we are also excited to hear Why Gardens are Good News by the Rev. Jeannie Sachs. This year’s conference also features keynote speaker Jerusalem Greer, Manager of Evangelism & Discipleship for the Episcopal Church. Register today to join us on February 10 & 11 in celebration of discipleship in our diocese!
Register for Friday Evening, February 10 (5:00 to 8:30 pm at Trinity Cathedral, Trenton)
Register for Saturday, February 11 (8:00 am to 4:00 pm on Zoom)