We are as clay in the hands of the master potter,
who forms us for ministry and gives us purpose.
The School for Ministry forms lay leaders for ministry and candidates for ordination. If you feel drawn to new or renewed servant leadership (whether lay or ordained), we invite you to journey with us.
The School is accepting New Student Registrations for Fall 2021 courses and seminars.
To register, please complete the School for Ministry New Student Registration Form, and email it to The School for Ministry. Please note that new registrants must have already taken (or at least started) the 3-session Episcopal Servant Ministries (ESM) seminar. Upcoming ESM seminars are scheduled for Saturdays in September and for Sundays in late October/November.
Course Registration information for fall 2021 courses will be sent next week to those whose School Registration forms have been received by Wednesday, August 25. Orientation for the Fall Session will be held online Saturday, August 28. Classes begin Saturday, September 11.
Fall 2021
8 Saturdays – September 11, 18, 25; October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30th
Paul, Apostle and Theologian: 9:00–11:30 a.m.
This course will invite students to see Paul as a person and as an apostle. To accomplish this, students will be introduced to the first century Jewish world and the intersections between that world and the multifaceted Greco-Roman world that surrounded Paul’s ministry and writings. Students will consider Saul understanding of the goodness of the original creation, God’s intention to renew that creation, and the ways those understandings fueled Saul’s anti-Christian zeal. Students will then examine Paul’s encounter on the road to Damascus, and his realization that in Jesus, God had fulfilled that intention to renew creation and had launched a new heaven-and-earth movement. That foundation will prepare students to consider Paul’s missional work and the development of his theological understanding, as set forth in his writings, and to consider Paul’s relevance in a post-Christendom world.
Instructor: Kaitlyn Dugan, PhD Candidate, University of Aberdeen & Managing Director of the Center for Barth Studies, Princeton
Note: The class on Paul that would have been held 9/18 will be re-scheduled.
The Human and Divine in Pastoral Care: 1:00–3:30 p.m.
Both lay and ordained Episcopal servant ministers are called upon to take up the spiritual care of others. This course will examine how to take up that work in a manner that invites those to whom we minister with understanding and skill. Students will build on their understanding of pastoral care as the act of stepping respectfully into the inner life of another human being with attention, intention, and skill, in order that the person may step toward the fullness of life.
Instructor: The Reverend Dr. William C. Noble
Note: Introduction to Pastoral Care in the Congregation (or comparable study) is a prerequisite for this course.
Foundations of Episcopal Ministry: 9:00–11:30 a.m.
This course is required of all entering students. Students will explore the relationship between scripture, tradition, and reason by (1) studying the development and history of our Book of Common Prayer, (2) examining how select Anglican/Episcopal scholars and pastoral leaders have approached and utilized scripture, reason, and tradition in their lives and ministries. Students will examine their own evolving relationships with scripture, reason, and tradition.
Instructor: Genevieve Bishop, Director of the School for Ministry
Note: This course is required of all entering students.
Our Sacred Texts: 1:00–3:30 p.m.
This course explores the development of the Hebrew and Christian canons, including their languages and time periods, the literary genres of the canons, and the themes that run through both testaments. At the close of the course, students should be able to explain the structure of the texts of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament and the factors that have impacted structures and translations; to give examples of the literary genres found and articulate ways of embracing the Spirit of God in different genres; trace the themes of the oneness of God, the creative power of God, sin and evil, God’s election of a people, the law, salvation, hope, and God’s reign; identify critical questions with which the Christian reader should approach any scriptural text; utilize a foundational approach to biblical exegesis that includes both study and prayer. Further, given any specific passage, students should be able to identify resources & tools that the Christian leader can apply to bridge the divides of culture, language, time, and character. This course should be taken no later than the second session of the student’s life in the School for Ministry.
Instructor: Leslie Virnelson, PhD Candidate, Princeton Theological Seminary
Note: This course is required of all entering students pursuing ordination, unless they have taken a comparable course of study and demonstrate competence in the objectives of the course.
Text-to-Sermon (4-session seminar)
This is a hands-on seminar in which students will be expected to develop basic skills in exegeting both Scripture and congregations for sermon preparation. This seminar is a pre-requisite to any preaching course except the Mission and Ministry of Preaching.
Dates: Sundays; October 3, 10, 17, and 24
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Note: This seminar is a pre-requisite for all preaching courses or seminar except The Mission and Ministry of Preaching.
Preparing and Leading Online Morning Prayer and Evening Worship (3-session seminar)
This is a hands-on seminar that will prepare new students in the School for Ministry to begin preparing and leading online worship. Students in the School for Ministry are expected to lead online worship twice each month. This seminar will be led by 3rd-year students in the School for Ministry.
Note: Times and dates will be announced at the School for Ministry Orientation Session to be held online on Saturday, August 28th. This seminar must be taken before leading online worship. Entering students will begin leading online worship in October 2021.