Every year the Bishop pursuant to Diocesan Canon 6 appoints a Committee on Validation of the Minutes, which is charged with reviewing Diocesan Convention minutes and distributing “galleys” to persons who proposed actions taken at Convention or to others who so request in writing. Since minutes are no longer typeset by hand for the Journal, the exact canonical procedure is no longer current. Instead, we are having drafts of minutes for the March 5, 2022 Annual Convention and the January 28, 2023 Special Electing Convention posted on the Diocesan website for downloading and review by interested persons. Any proposed additions or corrections to the minutes should be reported within 14 days of this notice to the Secretary of Convention, Canon Paul Ambos.
Clergy Town Hall with Bishop French
Clergy Town Hall with Bishop French
A chance for clergy of the Diocese to come together to discuss current issues, share fellowship, worship, and work together on challenges facing us today. Register in advance for this