

Anti-Racism Workshop Examines Legacy of Slavery

Contributed by: Canon Karen Moore, Anti-Racism Commission

September 9 @ 11:43 pm

Canon Karen Moore and Carrie Hayes of the Anti-Racism Commission

Schedule Set for Anti-Racism Training in 2024

The 2023 series of anti-racism training has been completed. This year the Anti-Racism Commission held three online training sessions—in Winter, Spring and Fall—and an in-person Spanish-language training in April. Dozens of members of the Diocese of New Jersey were trained as well as several from other parts of the United States and the world.

The Anti-Racism Commission has been providing training in the Diocese of New Jersey for about two decades.  Nevertheless, the need for training does not diminish and there remains a need for people to become more aware that the legacy of slavery still impacts every American; and we cannot ignore the persistence of systemic racism.

The Anti-Racism Commission encourages you to enroll in one or more of the 2024 training sessions. The online training consists of five consecutive Friday evening two-hour Zoom sessions that feature conversations about personal experiences, a self-study program in between the Friday meetings, and a follow-up session four weeks later. The self-study training material consists of recorded lectures, videos, and articles that provide a historical overview of systemic racism in America to help show its impact on society and individual lives. The self-study content takes roughly two hours per week and can be completed at times that fit your schedule. Participants must attend all sessions to earn a Certificate of Completion.

The fee is $100 per person for the online training. Financial aid is available.

2024 Training Sessions

Online Trainings

Winter Session: January 26–February 23,  March 22 

Spring Session: April 26–May 24, June 7 

Spanish Language Training: May 11 & May 18, Noon – 4pm 

Fall Session: September 13–October 11, November 8 Click Here to Register


The training is conducted by members of the Anti-Racism Training Team:  Vanessa Doman, Pat Hawkins, Canon Karen Oliver Moore, Rev. Canon Theodore Moore, Henry Richards, Rev. Ramón Ubiera, and Canon Paul Wolfgang.  The Anti-Racism Commission is a group of dedicated anti-racists who are working to help dismantle systemic racism, inequality, and injustice in our church and in our society. In addition to the 20-hour Anti-Racism Training, ARC also conducts two-hour anti-racism workshops for parishes in transition, makes presentations at convocation meetings, Vestry retreats, and other group meetings; and holds conferences and other events to build a knowledgeable and empowered group of anti-racists.

If you’re interested in learning more, please contact Canon Karen Moore chair of the Anti-Racism Commission.


September 9, 2024
11:43 pm
Event Tags:

Past Participants on Why You Should Take Anti-Racism Training

“Racism is in the DNA of American citizens and institutions. Attention must be paid every day to how we overcome the effects of this soul-killing plague. Talking about it honestly in a safe space in a multiracial, multicultural setting can be the start of healing the wounds and brokenness in our society.”

 “We talk a lot about the Baptismal Covenant, and to say that our identity is bound up by  the idea of respecting the identity of every human being and actually acting on that, rather than hearing myself talking about it is very important to me.”

“It’s a reminder how this society has been structured to benefit Whiteness at the expense of those of color.”

“Compared to other similar trainings through which I gained an understanding of concepts and some tools to examine my own bias/complicity, this material and the conversations we shared helped me see what an urgent, lifetime journey this still is for me personally, not in an abstract way.”

“It gave me insight on expressing and listening when discussing racism. It also provided me with the opportunity to hear differing perspectives on race, particularly from White people.”

“It opened my eyes to my White privilege.”

Video Testimonials