

Join Tomorrow’s Diocesan-Wide Confirmation Service In Person or Online

Grant, Almighty God, that we, who have been redeemed from the old life of sin by our baptism into the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ, may be renewed in your Holy Spirit, and live in righteousness and true holiness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Collect at Confirmation
Book of Common Prayer, p. 254

Tomorrow’s diocesan-wide confirmation service is an important rite of passage for those seeking full membership in the Episcopal Church, an important public declaration of faith on the part of those called to a life dedicated to God.

The service, tomorrow at 10 a.m. at Trinity Cathedral and livestreamed to as well as diocesan YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Bishop Stokes will lay hands on each candidate for confirmation or reception into the Episcopal Church in a ceremony that is largely unchanged for hundreds of years.

As the Book of Common Prayer says:

In the course of their Christian development, those baptized at an early age are expected, when they are ready and have been duly prepared, to make a mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop.

Those baptized as adults, unless baptized with laying on of hands by a bishop, are also expected to make a public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism in the presence of a bishop and to receive the laying on of hands.

Diocesan-wide Confirmation services are generally held twice each year,  in the Fall and the Spring.

Download the service bulletin here

Participating Congregations and Candidates

All Saints, Lakewood

Estefania Galeana Contreras
Brett Martin Duca
Daniela Betancourt Gonzàlez
Josè Betancourt Gonzàlez
Fidel Betancourt Gonzàlez

Jean Ann Duca
Gillian Paige LaManna

Christ Church, Bordentown

Paul Smith

Church of the Resurrection, Bridgeton


Louise Thigpen

Holy Apostles, Yardville

Anthony Jordan Mendicino
Sophie Kate Smith

St. John’s/San Jose, Elizabeth

Rayrys Perez
Isidro Diaz
Mateo Segovia Gutierrez
Domenica Segovia Gutierrez
Caroline Rada Mesa
Elvis de Jesus Barros Bosch
Iralda Pilar Miranda
Kenyah Fernanda Miranda
Brenda Liz Sanchez
Luisa Fernanda Chaquea
Natalia Chaquea
Maria Fernanda Acero Montero
Pilar Alexandra Salazar Mathey
Samantha Brizeth Salazar Mathey
Hector Raul Salazar
Edson Sebastian Quevedo Mathey
Ariana Kiara Cavero Gonzalez

Leny Gutierrez
Walter Segovia
Huberto Leal
Luz Liriano
Rafeal Yepez
Maria Belen Cevallos
Elvis Rafael Barros Peralta

St. John’s, Salem

Kelly Freno
Robert Oliver

St. Mark’s, Keansburg

Howard Francis William Moore
Andrew George Baczkowski

St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Lumberton

Gabrielle Garman

Trinity, Moorestown

Caitlin O. Bailey
Jasmine Mercedes Declet
Thomas Arthur George
Justin David Rapuano
Rebecca Taylor