Canon law requires every diocesan bishop to visit every congregation in his or her diocese at least once every three years. The canonical purposes of a visitation are for the bishop to examine the condition of the congregation, oversee the clergy, preach, confirm, preside at the eucharist, and examine parochial records. The BCP also assumes
Gen1:31 And God saw everything that God had made, and behold, it was very good. Creation Care Forum at Trinity Cathedral, Sunday September 10. Guest Presenter: The Very Rev. Dr. Caroline Carson. Please join us in Synod Hall immediately following the 10:00 am Mass. Questions we will consider joining our interactive Forum: What does Creation
All clergy are invited to join us for Fresh Start's Annual Celebration Day on Thursday, September 14 at Trinity Cathedral in Trenton! We'll begin at 10:00 am with Morning Prayer, then adjourn to Synod Hall for games, conversation, and a FREE lunch! We'll end at 1 pm (or whenever our lunch conversations are over).Fresh Start
Yard SaleSATURDAY, September 16, 20238:00 AMSt. Barnabas Episcopal Church142 Sand Hills RdMONMOUTH JUNCTION