Misa por el dia del amor y amistad
Holy Trinity South River 90 Leonardine Ave., South RiverAcompañanos a celebrar el día del amor y la amistad! Luego de la Misa celebramos el amor, trae un snack dulce o salado y nos encontramos en el salón de
Acompañanos a celebrar el día del amor y la amistad! Luego de la Misa celebramos el amor, trae un snack dulce o salado y nos encontramos en el salón de
Black History Month Celebration February 13th, 2022 @ 11:15 am via Zoom and Facebook We will observe Black History Month with a special event following the 10 AM Service. Our Guest
An online Service of Witness to Black Ministry in the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey Absalom Jones Service of Witness to Black Clergy Feb. 135:45 p.m.: Pre-Service Concert6:00 p.m.: Service
The Episcopal Community Services of the Diocese of New Jersey (ECS-NJ) Spring Grant Application Process is Open! The ECS-NJ grants are designed to expand existing charity and justice ministries
The ECS-NJ grants are designed to expand existing charity and justice ministries of congregations and make new ones possible. You are encouraged to review the guidelines and application and apply!
Clergy Wellness Day Spotting God’s Hand at Work: The Ignatian Examen Feb. 17, 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Register Now In this long, wearying time of pandemic and civil discord, we stay
Pre-Convention hearings There are four opportunites to review and discuss important issues such as the proposed budget and resolutions prior to the convention. Register once to attend any or all of
In celebration of Black History Month St. Mark's - Plainfield presents SICK & TIRED - THE FANNIE LOU HAMER STORY A one-woman award winning play written and performed by Diane
In celebration of Black History Month St. Mark's - Plainfield presents SICK & TIRED - THE FANNIE LOU HAMER STORY A one-woman award winning play written and performed by Diane