

Bishop’s Visitation: St. Peter’s Clarksboro

St. Peter's Clarksboro 304 Kings Highway, Clarksboro, NJ, United States

Canon law requires every diocesan bishop to visit every congregation in his or her diocese at least once every three years. The canonical purposes of a visitation are for the


Clergy Town Hall with Bishop French

Zoom Meeting NJ, United States

A chance for clergy of the Diocese to come together to discuss current issues, share fellowship, worship, and work together on challenges facing us today. Register in advance for this

NJ School for Ministry Orientation

Christ Church, Toms River 415 Washington St., Toms River, United States

Orientation for the new year of the School for Ministry. For more information, email the school director, the Rev. Genevieve Bishop.

Bishop’s Visitation: St. John’s Salem

St. John's Church, Salem 76 Market Street, Salem, NJ

Canon law requires every diocesan bishop to visit every congregation in his or her diocese at least once every three years. The canonical purposes of a visitation are for the

Creation Care Forum

Gen1:31   And God saw everything that God had made, and behold, it was very good. Creation Care Forum at Trinity Cathedral, Sunday September 10.  Guest Presenter: The Very Rev. Dr.


Church Yard Sale

St. Barnabas Monmouth Junction 142 Sand Hills Rd, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey, United States

Yard SaleSATURDAY, September 16, 20238:00 AMSt. Barnabas Episcopal Church142 Sand Hills RdMONMOUTH JUNCTION