Good News in the Garden State

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Adding Weekly Newsletter

  1. Navigate to Dashboard, and click on Good News in the Garden State pin (right column)
  2. Select “Add New”
  3. Type in Date and Theme name in the following format: Month, Day, Year – “Theme Name”. Theme name characters. Please note: Theme name should be no more than 20 Characters (including spaces) to avoid truncation.
    1. Example: June 12, 2021 – Social Justice
  4. Copy and Paste Newsletter URL  in Newsletter URL section (bottom right)
  5. Select “Upload Featured Image” on the right hand side of page
    1. Select image or upload new one
    2. Please Note: Featured image should be a landscape style image. Image will automatically resize to featured image dimensions
  6. Once featured image has been selected, click “publish”
  7. Newsletter is now published on Good News in the Garden State gallery page here:

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