

Board of Missions

The Board of Missions, under the guidance of the Bishop, is entrusted with oversight of the missions of the Diocese.

All missions are contacted annually by Board of Missions liaisons to see how they are doing in their ministry.  They are asked what they’re celebrating, what their challenges are, and how the Diocese can be helpful to them.  Diocesan mission support is offered through the Board of Missions, the Bishop and his staff, diocesan coaches, workshops, and Diocesan resources.  Diocesan grants are awarded to mission congregations based on their living out the Five Marks of Mission:

  1.  Proclaiming Good News of the Kingdom.  
  2.  Teach, nurture and Baptize new members. 
  3.  Respond to human need by loving service.  
  4.  Seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation.  
  5.  Strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of  the earth.
One of the other major roles of the Board of Missions is to review mission church applications for financial assistance.  These grants are given to mission congregations based on recommendations from the Board of Missions to the Finance and Budget Committee and Diocesan Council.  Lastly, the Board of Mission makes periodic reports to Diocesan Council about the challenges, needs, graces and ministries of the mission churches of the Diocese.
For more information, please contact Bruce Montgomery.