

Clergy Coaches

Coaching For Clergy in New Calls 

Clergy coaches help fellow clergy meet the special challenges of new calls

In the Diocese of New Jersey, we have trained more than 50 coaches to work specifically with clergy and lay leadership in our congregations.

If you are beginning a new call, coaches help you:

    • Recognize where things are going well—the things to celebrate in your ministry
    • Define the challenges you face—defining challenges well is essential to addressing them
    • Prioritize the challenges based on your needs and the needs of the congregation—what’s most important to you
    • Create short-term action steps to meet challenges effectively right now
    • Celebrate progress (and failure) and create next steps accordingly
    • Pray with you, keeping things in a faithful perspective

Typically, coaches meet with their clients once a month for an hour, though the frequency can be greater if you need or want that level of service.

Best of all, this service is free to clergy in the Diocese of New Jersey! (The Diocese covers all costs.)

If you’d like more information about this works and how we go about assigning a coach, please call or text The Rev. Cn. Rob Droste at 510-590-2964 and he’ll be glad to help you.